Senin, 08 Desember 2008


boasting a deformed boy with horns, an ethereal princess, antagonistic shadows and a crumbling, puzzle-laden castle, fumito Ueda's first game, ICO, became a cult classic after its 2001 release. four year later, copies are still regularly auctioned on eBay. Last winter someone even raised money for tsunami victims by selling an autographed copy. Copies of ICO are scarce because, despite critical acclaim and armloads of design awards, it sold poorly - but those who did buy it never traded in their copies. This meant many gamers missed one the most artistic and, yes,emotionally affecting videogames ever made.
Now they get a second change as Ueda's team returns with Shadow of The Colossus. it's floow-up, rether than the long- rumoref sequel, which aims slightly more mainstream by upping the action while still aspiring to be more than mere entertainment." before i became involved in making videogames, i was making contemporary art, " Ueda explains. " however, i couldn't make my own living by just doing that, so i was working part time making 3-D CG."after sending in some sony sample to Sony, he was hired for his ability to combine technical know- how with modern art conceptualism. Ueda's atmospheric games are exercises ini minimalism - with music, character, cut- scenes, dialogue and graphics containing only what is necessary to inspire an emotional attachment....

Senin, 01 Desember 2008

Society in Comic, Comic in Society: Some Note*

Comic in Discourse Iiberation
early 1990, Indonesia inundated by Japan comics. This Event happened , after Battering-Ram and of Gundala dwindle its drastic, in year 1970. Perhaps Awang, a driver have ugly face to, have losing of miraculous ring him. And perhaps also, a engineer ( which have do not be young again), Sancaka, still difficulty look for choker leontin giving of Cronz
How with friends Hit with a cosh and Gundala? Is Maza have being lost into forest, as he grip to Battering-Ram “ Less They have played the part of I am as Tarzan! Alone in the middle of forest accompanied by a animal!”. Or he have returned in everyday life, as Kanigara, a artist, difficulty which have to buy paintbrush? That way the things of with Prince of Mlaar, do he have returned to Covox? How also the things of with Sembrani, Aquanus, Tira, and Sun Gokong
But, perhaps also we needn't worry . Anyway, in between Japan comics hiruk-pikuk, start mid 1990, have emerged is assorted community of komikus, especially in Yogya: Core Comic ( CC), Check Of Umpet, Miserable, Kirikomik, Dispensary Comic, and Eye-Tooth Paddy ( Start to stand up final 1998); Bandung: Qomik National ( QN), Studio of MAJIK, MOLOTOV-INDIE Comic, Bajing Hop ( BALLOON), and Green Comic; catching up later;then in final 1990, in Jakarta: Comic of Karpet Blue ( KKB), Bases Comic ( Baskom), Black And White Comic, and Pedestrian; and also Surabaya
Its community of komikus this, is accompanied also with forming of Society Comic Indonesia ( American MKI)DAN Study Comic ( KKA), both in Jakarta. At least, passing MKI, have well-held Week Of Comic National ( PKN) in Station of Gambir ( 1997),at Art University

Senin, 24 November 2008

comic and cergam

comic of comic international mention for said to story pass picture on paper .
but some state also have mention alone, for example japan with manga, cina with manhua, korea with manhwa, and indonesia with cergam.
become to start in this time, we will familiarize to mention story masterpiece draw the each state as according to the naming of its state of him.
comic form or of cergam can strip ( panel line) loaded by is magazine or newspaper, or in kompilasi in one book . can once finish, can have vols..
at growth, emerge term of Grafic Novel or graphical novel.
initially us think, graphical novel of its contents many text but also many picture like " For Vendetta V".
but according to iwan for, graphical novel do not ad its difference with comic, just only of its story length and also wight according to novel. latter but many publisher using this term solely just for jacking up their comics sales.

Minggu, 09 November 2008


Doujinshi is the naming of to made by manga is the manga fans which have or plot of ending different of its original manga. All this fans of habit distribute from hand to hand it, sold by indie in shop of doujinshi, or follow convention of akbar doujinshi which is is ordinary to be referred as by Comiket. Is here sold by thousands of title of doujinshi per annum. Its visitor can reach 400.000 people
Doujinshi alone sometime become someone stepping point / group to become mangaka. Ken Akamatsu ( Lowly Love, Negima) also often make its own masterpiece dojin. Manga which is have theme to of hentai usually is dojin of certain manga which have is famous. Usually character of manga the to become " target" all dojin-ka ( the naming of to all maker of dojin, is same nymph of manga-ka).


This article is shares
of series of Manga
Enlist manga
According to version title
Symbol - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Enlist manga-ka
A - B - C - E - F - H - I - K - M - N - O - R - S - T - U - W - Y
Wikipe-Tan, configuration of wikipedia depicted by is manga ala
Manga (??) ( read: man-ga, or ma-ng-ga) representing comic word in Japanese; outside Japan, the word used special to talk about Japan comic. Mangaka (???) ( read: man-ga-ka, or ma-ng-ga-ka) is one who draw mangaManga in Japan
Magazines of Manga in Japan usually consist of some comic title which is each filling around 30-40 that magazine page;yard ( one chapter / chapter). The magazines by xself usually have thick range from 200 till 850 page;yard. A title of manga successful can publish till through years like "?????????? / No Kimyo Boken na Jojo / Jojo'S Bizarre Adventure / Mission Secret". Generally, successful titles can be lifted to be made in the form of animation ( or now more knowledgeable with term of ANIME) the example is like Naruto, Bleach and of One Piece
Some his original story manga can be lifted pursuant to from novel / visual of novel, the example is " Basilisk" ( [do] not circulate in Indonesia) pursuant to from novel "?????, Koga Ninpocho" by Futaro Yamada, narrating contention between Rib Tsubagakure ninja klan and Manjidani Koga ninja klan. There is also lifting from history facet, like history Three Empire


Comic is an artistic form which use motion less pictures which compiled in such a manner so that form story braid. Usually, comic printed on paper and provided with text. Comic can be published in so many form, start from strip in newspaper, loaded in magazine, till in form of book of tersendiri.Terminologi
In year 1996, Will Eisner publish book of Graphic Storytelling, where he define comic as " tatanan draw and successive word balloon, in a comic book." Previous, in year 1986, in book of Comics Sequential Art and, Eisner define comic structure and eknis as art sequential, " formation draw and words to narrate something or mendramatisasi an idea
In book of Understanding Comics ( 1993) Scott Mccloud define art of sequential comic and as " sequence deliberate in images other and pictorial juxtaposed, and information convey to intended / viewer the in response aesthetic an produce to or
All expert still not yet in agreement hit comic definition. partly among others have a notion that form print him require to be emphasized, other more is making account of of continuity of text and image, and some of other more is emphasizing is nature of its continuity ( sequential). Comic definition alone very supel in consequence expand various new term like * Stories Picture – Rodolphe Topffer ( 1845 * Narratives Pictorial – Frans Masereel Lynd Ward and ( 1930s * Novella Picture – by the name of camouflage of Drake Waller ( 1950s * Illustories – Charles Bureau ( 1950s * Picto-Fiction – Bill Gaine ( 1950s * Art(Graphic novel Sequential – Will Eisner ( 1978 * Manga Nouvelle – Frederic Boilet ( 2001
For the scope of nusantara, there are separate mention for comic like laid open by cultural observer of Arswendo Atmowiloto ( 1986) that is brief or pictorial story become cergam triggered by

colors proofing soft

colors proofing soft
In path work printing office of trdisional and printing office which still exploit service of repro house, frequent usually conducted by hardproof beforehand to knowing estimate of colour quality between existing work art of file with result of printing.this is excess of system management colour ( cms).
in path work printing office which have cms,user amplicasion can be direct know and at least estimate result print in monitor. this process still have the character of proofing soft ( proofing with software), much more simple and economize expense, weighing-machine print all result of kertja beforehand just to knowing estimate of result print
if conducted with peripheral of appropriate activity, correct specification and monitor which have been calibrated. you have colour proofing soft setting melakiukan. important to remember in path work colour work management colour, user can exploit profiles colour by presisi for the sotf of proofing is no other ad how to exploit and maximize peripheral of monitor . its nucleus;core proofing is no other how to exploit and maximize peripheral monitor as part of path work printing office. become that is why very oponen to chosen monitor with specification of adequate.

Selasa, 04 November 2008

Questions and answers on last week

Questions and answers on last week
do you like music??, yes i do, realy i like too, becase music is my live, i like music rock and harcore.
because i think is very interest for me. and i have a band in gendre is rock and roll and aternative.
i like to music is a easy listening. cause I will laugh listening it, that so funny and cool.
Allow altogether... how are you? Okey in this BLOG of dnelz will advise the way of editing photo. So, what become this title is " Editing Pimply Photo Face Become Smoothly". Program which is Adobe Photoshop CS
Photo which is use my is Rully my brother photo, its of him which is editing, but I know its way... Model in this so called photo of Belief, he is study in Dutch. Time before to Indonesia face he is smoothly, but turn into pimplyly of since to Indonesia. Influence Weather ya But now possible not... Become previously im apologize its photo come up in my BLOG ... This merely for the Iesson of
This Tutorial non for the beginner, but rather recognize is same which is its name of Photoshop CS and often its program make. And clarification [in] this BLOG (it) is true rather confused by, but hopefully ajah all of you see
Okey all of you can see photo Believe below/under before editing which still full of pimple and after a edit, face become very smoothly

Ok, love dnelz of tau of is way of one by one
1. Open photograph before pimply to Adobe Photoshop CS 2. So tool which all of you gunain is " Healing Brush Tool", Arrange diameter as according to requirement
3. Placing brush in place clean face with dibarengi by depressing ALT at keyboard
4. Just click once. ALT still in depressing
5. Then release ALT at keyboard
6. Placing brush in place pimply face
7. Then click, so that face which is acneing will a few cleanness

So further.... Mouse ALT+ clik in pimply face, then click in part of pimply face, to the last of face become a few/little smoothly.... For last phase
9. Select;Choose Filter menu > Disort > Diffuse Glow.
10. Arranging
- Graininess = 1
- Glow Amount = 2
- Clear Amount = 10, or arrange according to yours requirement

Solomon Telingater

Solomon Telingater
he is a graphical desainer and its desain tipografer it him for the book of poster and very funny and is energetic, and also belawanan with influence of data.
he learn sebi during two year of d UKHUTEMAS. MOSKWA ( 1920-1921), representing center encrusting of constructive art of Russia. telingater which is active also as director art to the effort publication of communist party of partizdat in Russia ( 1933-1941).
and famous enough era of konstruktifisme this rusia. have reach for gold medal for the category of international diajang of Exhibition. Paris ( 1937). its his at style and letterfrom printing office of traditional rusia see clear at its brand typeface, Telingater'S Job Work Type ( 1963) which is developed from handwriting skrip of cryrillic in year which is seem and accept appreciation of Gutenberg Prize leipzig.

Digital comic

digital comics
digital of comics
* conducive data digitalisasi of us collect hundreds of comic title without having to develop;build rack for the menyimpan of paper to heap
* digital of comics is a medium revolution in oenciptaan and way of reading or reading comic of kebisasaan our read comic in the form of printed book of the size limited reality nowadays become to lose our moment exploit unlimited illusory room truthfully by monitor, because in character which is infinitif read comic later;then become windows interaktif.multi and of unlinear. comic might possibly lengthen moment of scrolling, like comic " Iam king when" its of vogler demian in
* our diponsel also can read comic without having to fire computer, printing;mould or lapto. even can at the same time sound mood mendegarkan. and lighting of vibrate.